Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So Yesterday was the say of my surgery. I had hyped myself up so much, and was so scared and anxious. Anyways, I went to work the morning of just so I hadn't missed out on too many hours, because of course I always need the money. Well I went home rested for a little, but the anxiety of the surgery really didn't settle in until I got in the car with my mom, on our way to the Dr.'s office. I got the, wrote down my name and sat down. My mom and I had planned that I would take 1pt xanax. Well she had seen that I was a little anxious so she gave me a .25 one and let me hold the others until it was about time to go in. Well she saw the nurse and said, "Take them, Take them NOW!" so I did. She called me in and I went into the office, or as they call it, 'The Procedure Room' I told them I was a little nervous mainly because the doctor told me that the shot hurts like bee stings, and I remembered how they hurt from when I was younger. After he was done with the local anesthetic, I thought to myself, wow I rather have this than a bee sting any day. He was finished in 15 minutes, and unfortunately even before all the xanax began taking effect. On the drive home is when i began to feel it!!!! That was one hell of a fun ride home!!!!

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