Friday, March 30, 2007

Panther's Hockey Game

I know it has been a while since I lat wrote, I will try and keep you updated more often. Anyways Tonight was awesome. As you know I had surgery on Tuesday, and I have been kind of sick but I figured that it was Friday what the hell Morgan, go for it. Well what is it you ask? A free Panther's Hockey game. James called me and said his mom's friend and her husband, Naja and Wolly, had an extra pair of tickets to the game. He didn't think I would want to go, but just happened to suggest it, so of course I said "well why not?" and there began my first Panther's game saga! We had figured that food was going to be so expensive that we would eat a little before hand and grab a little at the game. I had noticed that out tickets said we were in the 300 section, and was kind of dissapointed, then James said 309? oh that's on the box floor where all the private boxes are. I really began to get excited. When we arrived we realized we were in hte WCI Private Club.....Free food, and drinks. Food was a buffet, WE had sooo much fun, and so much food! Panthers won 3 to 2 against the Washington are some pictures

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